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Quick and Easy Auto Glass Replacement

CSN Dundas Valley Collision Centre offers expert windshield and glass repair services in Hamilton and the surrounding areas. We have licensed and trained glass repair technicians who can return your vehicle to an optimal condition in no time.

Getting behind the wheel of a vehicle with a damaged or cracked windshield is dangerous. We’re proud to repair or replace any glass on your vehicle, no matter the extent of the damage. Our skilled technicians have the right processes to complete repairs, including broken windows, shattered glass, damaged side view mirrors, and rear windows on any make or model of vehicle. Our team will examine your damaged glass to determine if you need repairs or a replacement, then provide a free estimate for our services.

Employee handing a CSN Collision Centre National Lifetime Warranty pamphlet to a customer

Providing National Lifetime Warranty for Services

We’re proud to offer a National Lifetime Warranty for all repairs completed at CSN Dundas Valley Collision Centre. We’re committed to providing safe and proper repairs to your window glass and windshield. We want you to return to your vehicle knowing our National Lifetime Warranty backs the repairs. You can trust our licensed glass technicians to restore your vehicle to optimal condition.

Vehicle windshield or windscreen replacement

Does Insurance Cover Glass Replacement Services?

Some insurance policies cover glass replacement, find out by contacting your local CSN Dundas Valley Collision Centre. Comprehensive coverage on your vehicle’s insurance policy may help pay to repair or replace your chipped, cracked, or shattered windshield. Our team offers insurance advice and will help you through the process of working with your insurance company for answers.

Your Reliable Windshield & Glass Professionals

You can trust our expert team to repair your windshield and auto glass right the first time. Our team is here for you whether you have a tiny chip or a shattered window. We stand behind our workmanship with our unique warranty to ensure our services are the best. We’re committed to guaranteeing our collision repairs on your vehicle will meet or exceed industry standards.

Should You Repair or Replace Your Windshield?

If you can repair your windshield crack or chip, you should. You will save time, money, and it’s friendly to the environment. Here are three rules to know if you can repair a crack in your windshield:

  • The crack should not be bigger than 3cm.
  • The center of the crack should be more than 4cm from the edge of the windshield.
  • The crack should not obstruct the driver’s field of vision – an area 30cm wide above the steering wheel.

A crack in your windshield can weaken the glass and cause glare from sunlight and oncoming traffic. The crack may also grow in size over time and with temperature changes. This creates potentially dangerous driving conditions.


We Inspect Windshields for Free!

At UniglassPlus we will always try to repair your windshield before replacing it. If your windshield has a crack or a chip of any size, don’t wait until it’s too late to have it repaired. We are happy to inspect your windshield and give you a quick, honest diagnosis. No need for an appointment, and the inspection is FREE!

Auto Glass

Repair the crack in your windshield before you have to replace it. You’ll save time and money, and it’s environmentally responsible!

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Category: Auto Glass

We are Advanced Driver Assistance System experts. Come by today and let us calibrate your windshield camera!

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Category: Auto Glass

Insurance claims can be a headache. As a preferred partner for many insurance companies, at UniglassPlus, we take the hassle out of your insurance claim.

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Category: Auto Glass

Our Securi-Clear™ Lifetime Warranty gives you peace-of-mind for future windshield repairs.

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Category: Auto Glass

We make it easy to repair or replace your windshield! One of our auto glass experts will come to you.

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Category: Auto Glass

Rain and snow can reduce your visibility through your windshield, especially at night. Rain repellent treatments dramatically improve your ability to see clearly.

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Category: Auto Glass

We are a pioneer in windshield recycling and know how to prepare your old windshield for proper recycling. Be nice to the environment!

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Category: Auto Glass
With your Auto Glass service, you can expect:

Automotive Experts with state-of-the-art technology

Quality Glass and adhesives

Turn-key insurance claim process

Contact Us Today to Schedule a Service!